Project partner
At this point we would like to introduce all CLEARER project partners including their respective expertise. Please visit the company and institute websites for further information and references.

Open Source. Open Solutions. Open Strategies.
DECOIT®‘s ( mission is the supply, optimization, protection, and support of technical IT infrastructure as well as the development of customer-oriented and innovative open source software solutions. With a focus on open source software, the German IT service provider operates in the following five fields:
- IT consulting (network, VoIP, monitoring, IT security)
- Conception and implementation of system management solutions
- Software consulting and development
- Research in the field of IT security
- Product development
DECOIT® attends small and medium-sized as well as large businesses operating in all kinds of sectors. With regards to the CLEARER project, the company is responsible for the coordination of the whole project. As industrial research partner its joint responsibility additionally contains analysis, conception, development and implementation. Being a provider of IT security solutions, DECOIT® has great interest in further use and future commercialization of developed solutions.

The research group Trust@HsH ( operates in the fields of trusted computing, network and mobile security since 2006. Within these topics were and will be conducted several different research projects such as tNAC, ESUKOM, SIMU and VisITMeta and SIMU. The research group members present their results at national and international conferences and workshops and additionally as being a Liaison Member they take part in specification processes of the Trusted Computing Group actively. This consortium of important IT companies and research institutes worldwide establishes internationally recognized standards in the field of IT. Among the most popular open-source implementations of the Trust@HsH group are the TCG certified MAP-Server irond, the detection engine irondetect as well as the MAP-GUI VisITMeta. Furthermore, TNC@FHH was developed being one of the first open-source implementations of the Trusted Network Connect specifications. The Trust@HsH research group is situated in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty IV of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover. Being internationally aligned, regionally well positioned and having more than 10000 enrolled students being the second largest University of Applied Sciences in Lower-Saxony’s capital city, the University offers its students an extensive range of study programs. In addition to technical and economic study programs and welfare the University provides several manifold study programs in the field of media and creative arts whose quality of education is internationally highly recognized. Small learning groups, application-oriented education including the field of research as well as numerous additional education possibilities for different target groups are further characteristics which make this University special.

IT-Security@Work GmbH ( conceives itself as an innovative consulting firm, which supports companies in conducting projects in the fields of IT-security, compliance and business processes. IT-security is not only seen as an end in itself, but as an important attribute within the other aspects. This way, IT-Security@Work is able to provide a holistic approach in project support. The focus lies on security infrastructures, application integration, security management and compliance or audit topics.
ISW is also participating in research projects to be able to provide the customers with up-to-date innovate solutions! ISW and the in CLEARER involved employees are experienced in the realization of research projects, a recent example is the BMBF funded project SecMonet. The goal of SecMonet was to develop a tool to perform security monitoring and analysis. Therefore, a tool for availability monitoring has been extended on topics like it-security and compliance supervision. This enables an early detection and remediation of incidents, as well as the analysis of security trends and the possibility to detects compliance breaches.

macmon secure gmbh ( is a German software producer specialized in network security and is seen as one of the pioneers among current Network-Access-Control (NAC) providers in Germany. Its client’s base includes companies of different branches and sizes, amongst others Federal Government Departments and Volkswagen. The self-developed modular NAC solution macmon protects the network from not authorized, insecure devices and intern attacks.
macmon serves several different security requirements including the authentication via MAC addresses, a certificate-based solution according to IEEE 802.1X and the implementation of security concepts of the Trusted Computing Group (TCG). macmon is available as software or appliance and able to completely secure heterogeneous networks being a manufacturer-independent solution. Clients benefit from security know-how, projectable costs and a very high level of software security while handling and operation are easy, intelligent technologies are applied, the interconnection of macmon with any other security product is possible and extensions of the function profile are kept state-of the-art permanently.
macmon secure is member of BITKOM and the Trusted Computing Group (TCG). Within CLEARER macmon is going to be an associated partner providing support along the project development and specify interfaces to be able to integrate the resulting prototype to their NAC solution. It is planned to use macmon as application platform after project completion.